Behavioral attraction predicts morbidly curious women's mating interest in men with dark personalities
Surfing Uncertainty with Screams: Predictive Processing, Error Dynamics and Horror Films
Bleeding-heart horror fans: Enjoyment of horror media is not related to lower empathy or compassion
Curious about threats: Morbid curiosity and interest in conspiracy theories in US adults
The psychological benefits of scary play in three types of horror fans
Why frightening imaginary worlds? Morbid Curiosity and the Learning Potential of Horror
Introducing Point-of-Interest as an alternative to Area-of-Interest for fixation duration analysis
Scaring away anxiety: Therapeutic avenues for horror fiction to enhance treatment for anxiety symptoms
The psychology of morbid curiosity: Development and initial validation of the morbid curiosity scale
Pandemic Practice: Horror fans and morbidly curious individuals are more psychologically resilient during the COVID-19 pandemic
An Infectious Curiosity: Morbid Curiosity and Media Preferences during a Pandemic
Playing With Fear: A Field Study in Recreational Horror
Gruesomeness conveys formidability: Perpetrators of gratuitously grisly acts are conceptualized as larger, stronger, and more likely to win
Toward a General Theory of Human Individual Differences: Can Evolutionary Psychology Meet the Challenge?
Violence reduces attention to faces and draws attention to points of contact
Creativity Patterns in the Production of Scientific Theories and Literary Fiction
Book Chapters and Encyclopedia Chapters
The Neutralization Theory of Hatred
Morningness-eveningness and sociosexuality from a life history perspective
Curiosity: A behavioral biology perspective
Social emotions are governed by a common grammar of social valuation: Theoretical foundations and applications to human personality and the criminal justice system